Monday, July 10, 2017

How to start a Crossfire game

Starting a new game may be for several reasons

a. The host just quit, leaving you with the 'privilege' of becoming the host

b. There aren't any games you'd like to play

c. You just feel like it.

This is how to start a new game. On the bottom left of the screen when you view all the games in the channel, there is a button called 'New Room'. Click it. However, you cannot change the location of the game; the channel and server you clicked the button in will be the place where your game will show up.

Now, you get to choose the maps, the game type, the amount of kills, the time for respawning and whether or not people can spectate the match or not. You may also choose whether the game will have a password for players to enter, and the name of the game.

This will be the display name of the game on the channel. Game names such as 'Noobs not allowed' or 'Pros only' will make certain people shy away from your game, while names such as 'Noobs only' will make certain people come to the game to take advantage of the noobs. Make sure to choose the name wisely...or you can just pick from the default names the computer provides you.

This allows you to choose the map of the game. There are plenty of maps to choose from in Crossfire, and that depends on what type of game you're playing.

Game Type
There are currently different types of games in Crossfire:

a. Team Deathmatch...there are two different teams. Kill the opposing team while trying to die as least as possible.

b. Elimination Match...similar to Team Deathmatch except you don't respawn when you die.

c. Search and team tries to plant a bomb while the other team tries to destroy it.

d. Ghost Mode...the global risk attempts to eliminate the ghosts and the ghosts vice-versa played like a S&D match or elimination but the ghost side may only use whatever is their current melee weapon.The global risk may use all their weapons and usually the ghosts only win by planting the bomb S&D style.

e. Escape Mode... BL has 10 mins to have their players go through a portal near GR spawn. Each "escape" provides extra kills anging from 0-6 extra "kills". The number of "escapees" can range from 6-16. After the 10 mins are up or all escapees are have escaped, the teams switch and the defense starts escaping.

f. Mutation Mode/Hero Mode... At the begining of the match, the humans have 20 secs to find a place to hide or defend. After the intital 20 secs have passed, 1-3 humans become "mutants", which have large ammounts of health and use melee attacks to "mutate" other humans and turn them against the human side Mutants can be killed if enoguh damage is dealt to them, though mutants can recover health by being still for 3 secs. In Hero Mode, If there are more than 6 players, a random human will become "Hero" with access to a special weapon (FAL Camo with 60/240 ammo and with a grenade laucher with 3/9 rounds). Mutants in Hero Mode, though having more health, can respawn after being killed without a headshot.